mark j
New Member
Okay here we go. I have three skis 01 rxdi, 01gtxdi, and 02 gtxdi all with 951 motors. I have never had all three running at the same time. After one is fixed another one seems to go wackooo. All run fine until "maintenance begins to flash on display on any one at any given time. So I call repair shop to make an appointment so they can tell me why maintenance is flashing, wait time 2-3 weeks. Can I purchase the software anywhere so that in the confort of my own shop plug into the computer and see what the fault code is. I love riding the skis and my kids do too but they are driving me crazy and broke. I did reset the maintenance issue by holding the set button down to make sure it was not a friendly reminder to do maintenance. Can anyone offer some sane advice to my ongoing issue.