'02 GTX 4 TEC Oil Light and Oil in Bilge

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New Member
I took my GTX to the lake this weekend. After first putting the boat in the water on a very steep boat ramp, "OIL" came up on the display along with the continous beep. I stopped it immediately and let it sit for ten minutes. I restarted it and it ran fine for the rest of the day.

The next morning I connected a inner tube to it with three kids on the tube. When I started to tow them and accelerated, "OIL" came up on the display along with the continous beep again. I parked it. Thirty minutes later, I tried it without the tube and all was fine.

The oil was fine on the dip stick (a little over half).

At the end of the day, I put the boat on the trailer and took the plugs out of the hull. Some water came out with some oil in it.

Any ideas? Too much oil maybe? Too much incline on the boat ramp and when towing?
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