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02 GTI starting trouble

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New Member
GTI will not turn over. I plug in the key get 2 beeps, hit the start button and i get a clicking sound that is inconsistant, one to two clicks then a pause and maybe another click or two, the sound is coming from the rear electical box not the starter. I have had the battery tested and it tested fine and has a full charge, i have also tried to bypass the solonoid to see if i can get starter to engage but i get the same sound. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
The last time i had it out was 2 weeks ago and it ran and started well in the beginnig of the day as the day wore on it started surging (lots of power to a huge loss of power and back to lots of power etc. I plan to test the rectifier once i get it started) I brought it back in and it started raining hard for about 30 -45 min. i was unable to get the ski out of water because another person was getting his ski out and his truck brokedown on the ramp, so it got rained on for 45 min, when i went to start it all i got was the clicking sound. I have hand cranked the engine and it turns by hand easily. Any ideas as to what is going on? Thanks
if you are 100% sure your battery is good ( and it is not a cheap walmart battery) then check all your connections including your starter hot and your main ground for corrosion or broken wires....the clicking you are hearing is the starter relay. Try to tap on the side of the starter wil pushing the start button as well and see if it then cranks up.
Dont think its the battery, i had it tested and it passed and had a full charge on it, but i will keep it in mind, I'll check the connections to the starter, i already tried to tap the starter but it did the same thing. It there anyway to test the starter relay or to bypass it to see if its the problem? Thanks for the reply
yes you can also use a jumper wire for the battery + to the start + and see if it starts to crank. Did you check your main ground and other connections yet as well?
The positive wire to the starter feels loose, I'll have to investigate more later this week. Thanks for the help, hopfully its just a loose wire.
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