I got out my 02 GTI to get ready for the season. Battery was dead. I am charging, but when I put the key on and press start, I get a "buzzing" sound. The buzzing comes from the electrial box containing the starter and solenoid. I tried jumping the solenoid and it turns the crank. Engine does not turn over at all. The sound is very similar to one of those game show buzzers. Also the beeps for the lanyard seem a bit week, although not too much. I am leaning toward needing a new battery, although it is a closed cell battery and new last just last July! I failed to trickle charge this winter, but have done that with other batteries before and the battery survived. Any help is appreciated. I am relatively uniniitiated with engines but willing to learn.
Any suggestions? If not major, I would like to repair myself.
Any suggestions? If not major, I would like to repair myself.