'02 4-Tec engine removal-HELP!

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While changing oil in my 4-Tec, a six inch portion of the vinyl tubing inserted into the dipstick port was lost inside the oil pan. I need to remove the piece prior to starting (obviously) but wondered if anyone had ever pulled an engine before, and could tell me what I am in for? The dealer estimates 8 hours @ $110 per hour. I would consider buying the service manual if pulling the engine is covered. ANYONE?

I wouldn't let them pull the motor for $110!.........that's outrageous. What gets me is it's obvious they didn't give you any help as to what you may be able to do instead.

With it being 6", chances are, it's still in the dipstick tube, unless you tried to put the stick in and pushed it down.

Go to Lowes or Home Depot. Get a small roll of "stainless" wire. If it's sold in different size gages, get one that's thin, yet thick enough to bend a hook into.

Take a piece of wire, as long as your dipstick, cut it at an angle at the tip, to cause it to have a sharpened point, then, bend it up like a fish hook. Make sure the point is still facign outward to when you push it down into the dip stick you may be able to hook into the plastic and pull it back out.

I know we have a manual for pulling your engine. Let me go look at the exploded view and see where this (6") plastic tube will be and what, if any, damage it will do.

Be back in a minute to edit this post.

O.K.....I just looked at the manual on this problem. If it were me, I don't think I would worry about it to much. I know I wouldn't pay those guys over $800 smacks to take it out.

As long as this piece is 6" long, then it is stuck in your tube and is in no danger of getting into your cranshaft area. The distick is in the middle of the engine over the balance shaft. Even if it were to fall in, it'd be in between two bearings of the balance shaft where it should still not cause any damage.

If you have had this ? (unknown as to what it is, boat or PWC) for a while, then you'll know first hand, does it use oil? If not, then this oil change you did will be good till the "off season". Worry about it then. If your dipstick doesn't fit all the way in now because of that tube, you may want to trim that or find a way to plug your tube to keep foreign objects from falling in. But I wouldn't let this bother me. You also have a low oil pressure switch that will take care of your motor in the event there is a problem. The EMS system will take care of any oiling problems it detects and shut it down and throw a code. The only real problem will be not being able to check the oil accurately. But if its a ski/boat you've had for a while, then you know how much oil it uses.

Good luck and if you do decide to pull the engine, we have a manual you can do it with and the help to get it done. You will have to take a lot of it apart where it sits before pulling the block, if it's in a ski anyway..........
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Thank you

Seadoosnipe-I appreciate your input. The tube is indeed pushed all the way in now. I had thought of the wire fishing it out, but that will be a long shot. I have also had input from others that leaving it in there may not be a big deal, but with my luck, it probably will be! I'm leaning towards pulling the engine, but am giving myself over the weekend to think it over. Thanks again.
dip stick....

Well, then you have one more option.

The dip stick is not an integral part of the block. Its put into the block and sealed with an "0" ring. If you remove enough of the "sub systems" to expose the block, you may be able to just remove the dip stick and see it either wedged in the bottom of the tube, or sticking up to the blocks casing.
With the length, I feel certain it's going to be wedged in the curve of the tube, so, if you pull the dip stick tube from the block, you'll probably solve your problem without removing the engine.

Which, if you remove the engine, you have to take a lot of these parts off anyway to get the block out to split the casing.

Either way you go, there is manuals and help for you here in the forum. Good luck and I hope your able to solve the problem yourself!.....:cheers:

Do you know if there is an exploded view of the engine available? I would like to see just how the dipstick is routed to the oil pan, and what is in the pan itself that would have caused the vinyl tubing to be cut. Thanks again.
Oil pan....

There is no real oil pan. The dip stick sets down into the center of the engine at the balance shaft. The dip stick is sealed with an "O" ring but I'm sure it also has a brace that attaches to the block somewhere.

Go to www.seadoo.com and on the home page, look for the tab, "gears and parts" then another drop down tab will allow you to choose parts. There, you open the file to your year and model and you'll be able to see the exploded view to your entire motor.

Good luck, I'm here if you need more help!.........:cheers:
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