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01 rx di

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mark j

New Member
Please help.. Maintance is displayed red light is on and buzzer is going off. So I take the boat to the shop so they can tell which fault code is causing the problem. No fault codes are showing up when the tech. hooks up to the computer. As best I can tell according to the manual that it may be something to do with the TPS . Would that not show up when the tech hooked up to the boat? Could it be a problem with my Mpem? The mpem was replaced with a used one, but boat ran fine after installing.
there should be two buttons on your steering assembly. push and hold for about 10 seconds to clear the maint warning. remove the key and wait a minute or two. plug the key back in an see if the beeping continues.
I will try that now. Hold one and I will let you know if that helps. I also just noticed that 12V low is also being displayed along with maintance. The battery is brand new with a full charge put on it a week ago.
Still the same. maintance on red light blinking and buzzer sounding for 2 sec. at about a minute apart. Manual shows this to be related to the TPS? Why would this not apperar as a fault code when hooked up to computer?
due to the way the system is set up the tps(throttle position sensor) is a type of fault only shown by the information center and not set as a fault code in the diag program. why they do this is beyond me. when you brought the unit to a tech for diag. did he tell you about all the codes sent by your ecm. i have a feeling your information hub is either faulty or there's a messed up connection within the system. when you run the unit on open water does it do anything odd. beside the beeping and the maint. comming up.
Seems to run fine except for limited rpm's. I have noticed that if left at idle upon starting that everthing is fine. Once the rpm's increase that is when i seem to get the warnings and continue from that point regardless of rpm's. I am now thinking that it may be something to do with the charging system since I get 12v low/maintance on display. I am going to check voltage at batt. I think the reading should be high 13v-14.5v @ 5000 rpm's. What are you thoughts on this being the problem?
when a unit displays 12vlo all it means is the battery is around 12.01 volt. its just letting you know to charge it soon. if you leave the battery hooked up while not in use the bettery will be drained by the unit pretty quick.

as for your problem being the charging system. its unlikely. a faulty charging system wouldn't cause a reduce in engine rpm.
So do you think we are back to the TPS being the problem? I had read that if the mpem had been replaced that the tps setting needed to be adjusted. Could that be my issue?
sounds like a faulty voltage regulator(rectifier), the limited rpms is limp mode. it won't show up in BUDS either except in the limp mode occurance, that's why your having charging issues as well, for some reason the early year DIs seem to fail quite a bit, as well as the 800 RFIs, I do several of these every year, it's located on the back of the mpem and is a 2 minute fix, swap one out from another DI.
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