'01 GTS Fuel Troubleshooting


New Member
I just picked up a 2001 Seadoo GTS (the older hull 5551 one) the other day and ran it in the water for the first time yesterday. It ran fine for about an hour and a half and then died on the regular gas setting and wouldn't start on the gas knob regular setting or the reserve. Went and got gas in it and it started right up then died again after about a minute. Thinking it could be a fuel pressure issue as fueling up gave me some trouble and the gas gauge was bouncing around all yesterday. Any help would be greatly appriciated, Thanks!
Check your fuel venting valves, normally there is one under the the un rail that lets pressure out of the tank only and one usually up under the seat area that lets air in only as the fuel is used, you can test them with a mityvac or just clean them with some simple green and light compressed air. Also after riding when it quits try taking the fuel cap off and see if there a swoosh of air. If there is, then one of those valves is most likely your issue. If this ends up not being your problem then I would go through the fuel system, but don’t keep riding it much like this in case you cause damag to the engine. Good luck
They are about an inch long, the hole that goes through the hole has a rubber grommet in it that’s roughly 3/16 in diameter