No, we don't want no stinking junk! The little bit of fuel remaining will likely be curdled and you don't want that floating around or even in your carburetors and fuel system. Pump it out and maybe even remove the pickup tube and towel the inside of the fuel tank. Some will pressure wash the inside after removing the tank, or if while still in the belly will vacuum up the water using an explosion-proof suction device and/or clean rags/towels tied to a broom stick/wire.
There's a huge chance you'll have to rebuild the carbs anyway, but no need to make it worse by contaminating everything.
With fresh fuel, you can fire it up out of water, but no more than a minute unless you provide cooling water through the flush port, then you can run it for 2 minutes (why even bother unless flushing out salty water?).
5~10 minutes cooling time between restarts should be sufficient if you need to fire it off again, any exhaust part you cannot lay your hand on briefly at any time without suffering a burn, is overheating. This assumes you're not superman.