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Search results

  1. R

    orange rubber valve seadoo acc pump (help) where???

    still waiting......please....anyone
  2. R

    orange rubber valve seadoo acc pump (help) where???

    I have a 2000 seadoo lrv. cleaning the carbs and found the small orange rubber check valve under the acc. pump diaphragm was cracked and small nipple holding it into the plastic valve was gone... can not purchase this with carb kit or alone. must buy entire acc pump... where can i find one? I...
  3. R

    2000 fuel pump prob????

    yep, cleaned the raves did not check the water reg. How do you do that? did clean small filters in carb and replaced main filter. how do you check the pressure?
  4. R

    2000 fuel pump prob????

    2000 lrv was stalling on and off seemed like it was straving for fuel.. took seadoosnipes advise and changed all fuel lines cleaned carbs fixed exhaust leak. now runs great to wot then stalls at wot only. if you keep it in the wot position it will shut off. runs fine up to 6200 rpms. any ideas?
  5. R

    fuel gauge? not working 2000 seadoo

    No fuel is registering at all on dash. fuel sending unit plug is connected... does this mean the fuel sending unit has failed or can you clean it ?. I took the neck out and noticed two tubes with balls which at the top of the tubes two connectors are present. is it repairable or throw it away...
  6. R

    2000 seadoo Lrv Tech Question

    All stories start with (I let a friend borrow) well I did.. he brought it back and said the boat ran fine under 30mph but would stall any higher. he advised it would plane out then just stall out...he advised it then ran fine later in the day and he believed he never filled the gas tank. The...