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Search results

  1. J

    2001 GTS bogs down after 1/4 throttle

    Ok so this seadoo sat with gas in the tank for about 2 years. I drained as much gas as I could out of the tank which was brown and nasty but I could not get everything out of the bottom of the tank. I than filled the tank up with 93 octane and poured in some gas treatment. There is always a...
  2. J

    Weird issue with 2 people on 3 seater GTX

    Hello, I just bought this 2001 seadoo GTX and it works amazing with just myself on it that weighs 175 but when someone else gets on the back the seadoo will only operate at qtr throttle????? I tried cleaning the filter out which I did keep getting brown gunk in the filter possibly caused by the...