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Search results

  1. N

    need help setting carb

    i know the low speed setting is suppose to be from all the way in 1.5 half turns thats full revolution correct and can someone tell me how many clicks the high speed screw is suppose to be set at it was set all the way to left which im assuming is wide open i see all over the forum its says 0...
  2. N

    need help with part number

    I recently rebuilt the car on the seadoo but need the gasket between the block and carb and can someone post the pics on a single carb throttle and choke cables
  3. N

    need help with carb newbie

    i recently purchased a seadoo gti and have bought the rebuilt kit and was wondering what is the easiest way o take off the throttle cables i cant afford right now to bust anyhing and also can i use normal hose clamps for the gas line or do i need to buy the crimp clamps nd i do have the shop...