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Search results

  1. R

    '92 Seadoo 580SP backfires thru carb under load

    Don't I need special tools to adjust the timing? I see the manual says I need a 360 degree wheel and a bolt on timing tab tool.
  2. R

    Parting out a 95 XP

    Let me know what you are asking for the carbs and cover.
  3. R

    '92 Seadoo 580SP backfires thru carb under load

    We have a '92 Seadoo XP 580 the starts instantly when cold or hot and idles like new. But when throttle is about 1/4 on up to WOT it backfires thru the carb. Carb was gone thru already. It used to bog down but changed plugs and this thing will go full throttle but have an intermittent backfire...