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Search results

  1. E

    parting out complete 95 spx

    do you have the handlebar pad? if so whats the color and condition and how much?
  2. E

    Parting 96 SPX

    im pretty sure its the same as what i need. mine is a 95 spx teal. what color and condition is yours?
  3. E

    parting out 95 gtx!

    do you have the handlebar pad. if so whats the condtion/color?
  4. E

    Parting out a 95 XP

    whats the actual condition of the handlebar pad. mine completely fell apart after softening up and getting sticky.
  5. E

    Parting 96 SPX

    do you have the handlebar pad. if you do whats the condition and color?
  6. E

    Motor revs up but NO acceleration HELP!

    i would also like to add that this problem is 10x worse when riding 2 people. when i get on it myself its not bad at all.
  7. E

    Motor revs up but NO acceleration HELP!

    I took my seadoo out yesterday to the lake. it is my first time taking it out since i got it from my uncle. it is a 95 spx with a 657 motor. it was sitting for a couple years. i rebuilt the carbs, blew out the fuel lines and flushed the tank, changed the oil lines, new spark plugs, new battery...