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  1. B

    Seadoo 657x Engine for Sale

    I have a Seadoo 657x Engine for Sale on Ebay. It runs great and is in great condition. It has the four wire stator so make sure yours is the right one before you buy it. Good luck...
  2. B

    Did seadoo owner evry send your parts you bought?

    Did seadoo owner evry send your parts you bought?
  3. B

    Water line?

    i found it finally, thank you
  4. B

    Water line?

    Its comes from the end of the exhaust tube.
  5. B

    Water line?

    I cant figure out where this line goes on my 1994 seadoo xp 657x. It looks like a water line but i have no clue where it goes? Does anyone know? Thanks
  6. B

    rv degree?

    I have a 1994 seadoo xp with a 657x engine. I dont know how to set the rv plate. I have a degree wheel and have the mag piston at tdc i just need to know how to set it and to which degree. Thanks im trying to get this done for tommorro.
  7. B

    What is the status on that Engine?

    What is the status on that Engine?
  8. B

    oil block off kit?

    Im debating on putting a oil block off kit on my 1994 seadoo xp 657x. Is it a good investment or waste of time and money? Thank you guys
  9. B

    FS: SEADOO XP-S - Synthetic Oil - 2 Stroke

    this is the regular oil you would run in a 1994 xp right?
  10. B

    I dont want to be annoying, but did you get the engine out and shipped?

    I dont want to be annoying, but did you get the engine out and shipped?
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    Seadoo Oil?

    I would really need to know, do i need the seadoo brand?
  12. B

    Seadoo Oil?

    I finally am replacing the blown engine on my 1994 seadoo xp 657x and I am unsure what 2 stroke oil to use? Is there any other fluids or oils that I should check? And should I install an oil block off kit? Thanks, Its been about four years since i used it.
  13. B

    WTB: 1994 Seadoo XP Engine 650

    I really need an engine still Bump
  14. B

    WTB: 1994 Seadoo XP Engine 650

    WTB: 1994 Seadoo XP Engine 657x I need a complete good running engine for a 1994 657x seadoo xp. Thank you