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  1. D

    05 RXP--Maintenance--

    Getting ready to hit the water next week. Would like to make sure I have boat ready to go-- Outside of the obvious (new filter and oil, coolant level), would anyone advise as to other fluids/grease points/jet pump oil?--anything I should check or change? Doesn't appear owners manual covers...
  2. D

    05 RXP Wear Ring

    Looking in through the nozzle at the wear ring on my boat, I can see "grooves" in the wear ring, kind of like grooves in a record (for us old timers). Should the wear ring be smooth from back to front, or is this normal? Can't really see any kind of gap between impeller and wear ring, but...
  3. D

    4-Tec Rebuild Engine Break in--

    Seadoo RXP '05 4-Tec 215 Supercharged Intercooled-- Long story short--Bought boat, found out guy I bought it from filled up cylinders with water trying to run on a hose, he turned hose on, then engine didn't start because battery low. Once he charged battery, tried to crank engine, engine was...
  4. D

    4-Tec Rebuild Engine Break in--

    Thanks for reply--With 1st engine I did a bunch of research on break in, so pretty much followed all instructions (exactly as yours in post). Was REALLY careful with it, still blew-up. Think it was a bad rebuild. That's why I'm trying to figure out a way to put some hours on this engine (before...
  5. D

    97 Seadoo GSX Problem

    Don't know how they could tell anything was short-circuited unless they tested box--myself, I would buy a new battery, charge it up (correctly), connect it and see what happens. Don't see how anything would have been shorted--
  6. D

    05 rxp engine build!!

    My 4-tec rebuild from SBT lasted a whole 10 hours before it dropped a valve and blew up. Wasted most of my warranty waiting for another engine to be shipped, and installed. Good luck with SBT--I'm on engine number 2 with less than 3 weeks warranty left...
  7. D

    4-Tec Rebuild Engine Break in--

    Anyone ever run boat on trailer (in water) for engine break in? Warranty expires 4/24/09--water will be way too cold to put any kind of hours on new (rebuilt) engine, only put 5 hours on last year before got too cold. Also, any ideas about after how many hours rebuild would hopefully be ok...
  8. D

    2005 RXP Jet Pump Oil--HELP!!

    Thanks!!! Have had a "few" problems with this ski, started to get really worried about this and couldn't find an answer-- Many Thanks!!!
  9. D

    2005 RXP Jet Pump Oil--HELP!!

    I figure this should be an easy one, but I can't seem to find any information about checking/changing jet pump oil in RXP. Nothing in owner's manual of course. I have a plastic plug on top of pump, but there is absolutely no oil on the "dipstick" (plastic piece with plastic screen??). If...