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  1. T

    97 gsx 787 rpm limiter?

    Id normally agree with you about carbs. But it doesn't miss or run poorly at all so I really don't believe it's carb related. I'm gonna try the rectifier first.
  2. T

    97 gsx 787 rpm limiter?

    I tried it on reserve and the on position with the same results. however I have not tried the red wire on the rectifier can you point me to where the rectifier is at I know where the mpem is at and the coil but that's about it
  3. T

    97 gsx 787 rpm limiter?

    Hey guys! I've been working on jet skis and boats a long time but ran into an issue on my newest ski (well newest to me). Runs perfect on the trailer, you can run as many RPM's as you dare without wanting to throw a rod or something. Put it in the water, starts right up, hit the gas and it will...