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Search results

  1. R

    '96 SeaDoo XP VTS blows fuse

    Hey guys...........For some reason, I keep blowing the 7.5 amp fuse when I try to use the VTS button. It's a brand new VTS motor so what else could cause this? Any ideas?
  2. R

    '99' GTX oem seat cover

    Hey guys....It's time to replace my tired seat cover. I've been searching everywhere looking for an oem burgundy seat cover for my GTX. Can't find one. :( Anybody have a good source for these? Thanks Mike
  3. R

    Unhappy 1997 SeaDoo XP engine races at high RPM

    I have an XP that I just installed a new starter in. When I started it, it immediately rev'ed at high RPM. I turned it off immediately thinking that somehow the throttle linkage had gotten jammed. Checked cable, linkage at both carbs and found everything to be moving freely. I even tried...
  4. R

    Newbe from michigan!

    Hi all! Just joined :hurray:
  5. R

    1997 SPX won't start

    Hi all! A newbe to this forum. Sounds like a lot of good knowledge floating around. I can't get my SPX to turn over. Get the two beeps when I put the lanyard on. Get a click when I push start. I just installed a new VTS motor because the old was corroded. Trim works good. Have replaced the relay...