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Search results

  1. B

    1997 gti runinng rough & stalling

    i just got the seadoo running after i flipped it last week, brought it out to the lake, it started fine, but was running really rough, couldn't get above 10km, if i went to give it more throttle it would just die, did this for about 10 mins, now won't start at all, think the battery is dead...
  2. B

    1997 seadoo gti won't start

    Hi, i just bought my first seadoo, had it out to the lake, flipped it, rolled it back over, it ran good, parked it @ the beach, went back later to ride it again, it started fine, got about 200 feet from shore & it just died, wouldn't start again, brought it back home, let it dry out for 3 days...