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  1. B

    XP starting issues

    Hello! I have a 97 XP not wanting to turn over all the time. It will do the clunk, clunk, clunk several times and about every 10th try will turn over completely for a couple seconds then quits. Go to try again and get the same as described. Pulled starter (1 year old)-what a pain!....seems...
  2. B

    1997 xp starting issues

    I have issues restarting pretty much immediately after stopping the motor every time. Ski runs great when running. Just had service done....carbs cleaned, new fuel lines installed, and all filters replaced. It seems to me that it is loading up with oil when stopped because when restarted I...
  3. B

    97 xp now running rough??

    Spent about 2 hours on the water today....ran pretty well but had to cut short because started to bogg down and now won't even get up on a plane. Could barely limp back to the boat dock because it was running so rough. I did notice it smoking more than usual. Need some advise please?????
  4. B

    97 xp starts fine cold hard to start hot

    Newby here. Just bought 97 xp about 4 months ago that needed some work. Got new flywheel, starter, and carbs rebuilt to get it running again. Been out twice with same results of running great at first until i kill it out in open water then hard to start up again. Can finally get it started...