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Search results

  1. C

    1998 GTX "Maintenance Light" comes on then goes off

    I just got this ski...runs fine but when you turn it on it reads out "maintenance" ...what am I to do? Thanks for your help
  2. C

    150 # compression...engine knocking??

    Hello....I am a new member!!! Question for you ...my buddy just bought a 1995 three seater...checked compression before purchase was 150 # took it out for 2 days ran sluggish clean carbs...ran for a little bit then engine started banging...now he is told it needs a new engine???? what happen...
  3. C

    Knocking engine

    Hello....I am a new member!!! Question for you ...my buddy just bought a 1995 three seater...checked compression before purchase was 150 # took it out for 2 days ran sluggish clean carbs...ran for a little bit then engine started banging...now he is told it needs a new engine???? what happen...