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  1. Matt Braley

    93 xp trim on a 95 xp

    The hole through the hull is much larger on the 95. Anything can be done though. If you figure the wires out then it would probably be best to plug the VTS hole and drill a new hole through the fiberglass for the cable. Wait now we're hacking a ski up! Why not just repair or replace the 95 VTS?
  2. Matt Braley

    Reinventing the 97 Speedster

    Looking great. I can't think of any other 14.5 footers with twin 800's.
  3. Matt Braley

    96 xp starting problem

    Make sure the ground wire did not break on the motor side.
  4. Matt Braley

    No spark on 96 xp 787

    Well I sure hope it'd not the MPEM then. Or did you get the whole greybox? If so I hope it comes with the coded key and that is a good price.
  5. Matt Braley

    New to buying an XP, any tips?

    The value is there and they won't depreciate any more but you could always lose an engine costing $1000ish so it's not risk free. You have the HUGE advantage of being the only buyer this time of year so use that to negotiate a few hundred dollars off. Outside storage can be done right, sounds...
  6. Matt Braley

    2000 Millennium RX

    Jettrim Jettrim Jettrim. Did I mention Jettrim? They have fitted covers with foam lining on the inside. You will not see those foam imperfections underneath and you do not have to stretch a bunch of vinyl in every direction before you staple it. They cost a couple hundred bucks but raise the...
  7. Matt Braley

    No spark on 96 xp 787

    Naw this was a running ski before the incident. Not likely that the metal pickup support broke off do to crossing the battery.
  8. Matt Braley

    97 Sea-Doo Speedster Aftermarket Gauges

    I have a couple original used ones. Not sure if aftermarket gauges would be calibrated correctly.
  9. Matt Braley

    No spark on 96 xp 787

    Sounds like you popped the CDI or the MPEM. Both of those are up front in the grey box. Usually it's the CDI but a MPEM can also cause a no spark issue without losing any other functions. Don't spend too much (over $200 total) because some people put big prices on that stuff. Don't fall for the...
  10. Matt Braley

    New to buying an XP, any tips?

    Exactly. I have worked with both models of those Coffman pipes and one doesn't perform well and the other does but requires racing fuel. They likely burned up the last engine from it not being tuned correctly and/or too low of octane fuel. A guy with parts and wrenching experience could do...
  11. Matt Braley

    New to buying an XP, any tips?

    If you let us know what the price and description are we can tell you how good of deal it is. They are a great (best) model to own and normally you can pick them up this time of year for a lot less then they would sell for 3-4 months from now. Once you get them right they can be quite reliable...
  12. Matt Braley

    Seadoo 951 x4 build

    The seat turned out really good. I like the shape you came up with. It's kind of like the Polaris Pro 785 but with more hump.
  13. Matt Braley

    1996 XP Sponsons

    No problem
  14. Matt Braley

    1992 bombardier

  15. Matt Braley

    1996 XP Sponsons

    Yes those are Odyssey sponsons. They are sold today under the brand name "Worx".
  16. Matt Braley

    No spark on 96 xp 787

    Is the white wire on the + or - side of the coil? Did you get the plug wires pushed down into the replacement coil all the way?
  17. Matt Braley

    Seadoo 951 x4 build

    If your gonna glass it in search up Ziggy's thread over on GH from years ago. I think he called it "Cyclops" or something. He does the best job I've seen on a couple aspects of the 951 X4 build.
  18. Matt Braley

    Reinventing the 97 Speedster

    I have a lot of experience with 95-97 Speedsters. Going fast is what they do best. More power with larger pumps may help them cruise because normally by the time your on plane your flying. Motor mounts seem like they would be a lot of work. I've always kept an eye out for one of the single 951...
  19. Matt Braley

    Seadoo 951 x4 build

    Yes good choice. Thinner top deck and a different glass or production technique then the 96xp has from what I understand. Shame to lose the original look of one of those but you’ll be adding value to it overall.
  20. Matt Braley

    95 seadoo xp dess post?

    The black wire and black with yellow on the DESS post connect to the center and ring on the post. When you put any DESS key on the post it connects those two wires just like a spring loaded switch. The white/grey wire is the code wire that wouldn't be used in this setup. You have to cut a larger...