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  1. Matt Braley

    96 XP revival

    I've seen the foam glued back in and it's a proper way to go. Some of the time it's not an option because the foam breaks into a bunch of random sized bits.
  2. Matt Braley

    Motor swap

    The right and left pumps on your 95 Speedster have different impellers in them.
  3. Matt Braley

    96 XP revival

    Looks good. Nice save.
  4. Matt Braley

    Stripped carb screws

    Use a larger bit like one that fits the tapered head of the bolt more then the thread size.
  5. Matt Braley

    Stripped carb screws

    You can drill the heads off of them without damaging the kidney. With one done the other sometimes will unscrew because tension is released. If you have to drill both heads the threads normally unscrew with just your fingers. Left hand drill bits are the best because the bolt usually comes right...
  6. Matt Braley

    FOR SALE SeaDoo RXX for sale

    Location also please
  7. Matt Braley

    Help: coarse and fine threads on crankshaft/PTO for 787

    Yes the 95 XP800 787 has fine threads and requires a different pto then the later 787's. It uses a different counter balancer also.
  8. Matt Braley

    Aftermarket 787 Performance Heads

    Price on the remaining........ $175 each shipped
  9. Matt Braley

    FOR SALE Beach house sponsons x4

    Nice offering. Won't last long I'm sure.
  10. Matt Braley

    Aftermarket 787 Performance Heads

    Yes I went and took pics of 3 that I have left. All 3 are clean and pump gas safe. As always I'm willing to explain how to best run the water routing or any other questions that you have.
  11. Matt Braley

    Seadoo 951 x4 build

    Your color choice seems a little odd at first but I know better than to doubt you. Your builds always come together and "pop" nicely.
  12. Matt Braley

    96 XP revival

    Yes it's a good and appropriate oil but Interceptor is thin and I don't see it swelling crank seals back up. Like Miki said the real test is to run it and then see if the leak comes back at all. If it does then at what rate? Many rv engines do this and it's not a problem just a little extra...
  13. Matt Braley

    96 XP revival

    Most clear up and are OK. Don't go hacking in there with a ball valve unless your forced to. Run the correct oil and it will probably be fine.
  14. Matt Braley

    RESTO Picked up my winter project 1996 XP

    The square part of a zip tie or the rust sharpened part of the original spring clamp are often guilty of wearing through the bellows. For this reason I've used a tight fitting O-ring in it's place on the bottom of the bellows here and on the bottom of tired 787 exhaust RAVE bellows.
  15. Matt Braley

    RESTO Picked up my winter project 1996 XP

    He is talking about a spring loaded clamp that secures the small end of the bellow to the plastic.
  16. Matt Braley

    96 XP revival

    It's a size too tall. The solas X design works great on these skis but the XO (16.5 X 23.5 pitch) works best for stock and lightly modded situations. The X1 has more pitch then that and it takes a lot of power to pull it properly. It will overload the engine a bit so I'd keep an eye out for a...
  17. Matt Braley

    Other Hobbies

    Air cooled VW's and 2-stroke Seadoo skis must tickle the same part of the brain or something. I've seen several guys with both in the garage or in they're history. RacerXXX has won car show awards with his. I was an absolute freak for them as a kid. I flipped mowers and chainsaws to get the...
  18. Matt Braley

    98 GTX coupler removal

    That is not a threaded crank. Pull the bolts you see and remove the bolt underneath. It's a tapered shaft.
  19. Matt Braley

    95C1500's 1996 and 1997 SPXs

    Wow good job. It's like the whole forum in one post. That could be a "just got skis" supplement to the manual. 95c1500 welcome to the forum. You fell into the best toys ever.