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951 GTX DI Air Compressor Rebuild - Revisting


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Hey all 951 DI lovers!

I try not to start duplicate threads, but the 951 DI air compressor thread has gone a little stale, and I haven't been able to find what I am looking for on the air compressor - talk about the compressor head itself.

I'm rebuilding my 2002 GTX DI 951 engine and one of the things I see people say is to rebuild the air compressor while it's out. Ok, good and fine; but the rebuild kits our there are for the compressor piston, sleeve, rings, rod, etc. What about the rebuilding the head? Does the reed ever fail, need to be replaced? I have yet to find someplace that has the compressor head parts.

Thanks in advance for the thoughts. @etemplet - you have a couple of old threads - what were your findings?

You can take the head apart and change the components if they are damaged but I have never done that nor have I searched for replacement parts. I've had to buy a head off Ebay because one was missing and that one worked fine. I just give it all a very close inspection. I pay a lot of attention to the oil check valves and drain fitting at the bottom of the compressor.
Thanks Gene - you've seen and posted quite a bit about these dinosaurs - and it is much appreciated!
Hi guys, on the topic of air compressor overhauls… I’m trying to do it with my 2002 GTX DI engine still in ski but manual states I have to take flywheel off to gain access to the con rod bolt… has anyone done this without removing the flywheel? I’m very cautious to not break anything by being heavy handed
Remove the jet pump and flywheel. No other way to remove the cover with the flywheel in place.

GTX DI Air Compressor (4).JPEG

GTX DI Air Compressor (3).JPEG

951 DI Air Compressor  Bore and oiler (1).JPEG
Wow! Very bad day in the office there! What happens to it?? **
The Tygon I bought wasn't true Tygon tubing and it deteriorated so the compressor wasn't getting oil from the injector pump. Lucky for me it was the only line that fell apart. I spent a long long time getting it spotless inside. I always check the lines before I install them but from this episode I started testing the lines by cutting a piece and inserting it in Laquer Thinner for 10 to 15 minutes.
The Tygon I bought wasn't true Tygon tubing and it deteriorated so the compressor wasn't getting oil from the injector pump. Lucky for me it was the only line that fell apart. I spent a long long time getting it spotless inside. I always check the lines before I install them but from this episode I started testing the lines by cutting a piece and inserting it in Laquer Thinner for 10 to 15 minutes.
I just had to take a dive into what tygon was haha.. fuel resistant PVC tubing of sorts? …

I replaced my oil tubing with some off eBay.. really hope that doesn’t come back to bite me haha… on another note I took the head of the compressor off and noticed the reed valve suction sealing face had a small amount of corrosion, do you reckon this could cause me not to get required pressure?


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Depends on the pressure you're seeing. Did you check the o-rings on the fuel rail? Leaks on the line going into the rave solenoid? Are you getting 27 psi at key on?

Just looking, difficult to tell if that is your problem. The ski will start without the compressor working properly but it will only idle. This isn't an absolute but has been my experience.
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Depends on the pressure you're seeing. Did you check the o-rings on the fuel rail? Leaks on the line going into the rave solenoid? Are you getting 27 psi at key on?

Just looking, difficult to tell if that is your problem. The ski will start without the compressor working properly but it will only idle. This isn't an absolute but has been my experience.
Yes, I get 27 psi on ignition then when starting the pressure fluctuates massively between 60-80 psi… misfires and dies shortly after
Check for air leaks. Block of the line and see how much the pressure rises. You need 107. I connected a air hose to the fuel rail and pressured the system. The engine ran fine. Good Luck !!
Check for air leaks. Block of the line and see how much the pressure rises. You need 107. I connected an air hose to the fuel rail and pressured the system. The engine ran fine. Good Luck !

So on your advice I have replaced the o ring on the compressor hose inlet to the rail which made a difference! And it started, the fuel pressure was a little unsteady but after a bit of coughing/misfiring it got up to 107psi.. but it would idle rough between 1350-1650 and I could rev it on the trailer to 5000 max… I have just purchased a compressor Tee from Tony Pelia so my plan is to do what you suggest with compressed air 👍 and I can also check the compressor pressure when turning over
If you're getting 107 psi and it is steady that is all you're going to get. I'd bring it to the water hole and see how it works. :D Might want to replace the oring on the fuel pump side of the rail if you didn't.

Some other things to consider is... age of fuel, fuel filter replacement, possible injector issue (fuel and air) I always send the injectors off for cleaning. Did you clean the raves and test for leaks? Raves open at 5k-ish. Good Luck !
If you're getting 107 psi and it is steady that is all you're going to get. I'd bring it to the water hole and see how it works. :D Might want to replace the oring on the fuel pump side of the rail if you didn't.

Some other things to consider is... age of fuel, fuel filter replacement, possible injector issue (fuel and air) I always send the injectors off for cleaning. Did you clean the raves and test for leaks? Raves open at 5k-ish. Good Luck !
Hi mate, after a bit more investigation it seems wrongfully replaced the original green rave valve solenoid with a black one for a Carb’d 951… this could explain the issues I’ve been experiencing?
Hi mate, after a bit more investigation it seems wrongfully replaced the original green rave valve solenoid with a black one for a Carb’d 951… this could explain the issues I’ve been experiencing?
Absolutely. the black one doesn't work the same. I tried the same thing as the green one was $100 used at the time and black ones were cheap. :)
Hi mate, after a bit more investigation it seems wrongfully replaced the original green rave valve solenoid with a black one for a Carb’d 951… this could explain the issues I’ve been experiencing?
To go a bit further on this, I'm not sure why they don't work the same. Perhaps the internal port routing are different. I mean all it does is open and close ?? I think some experimentation would benefit. :D I have 2 or 3 spare black ones but only one spare green one. I caution EVERYONE to remove the solenoid before pulling the engine as the connections break with the slightest bump. I installed the green one backwards on a RX DI. That's what I get for removing the whole thing and not checking going back in. That first ride was strange. :D Luckily I had another DI that I could look at and sure enough, I had the valve pointing the wrong way which made the lines connect incorrectly. When I give advice it isn't because I'm smarter but because I've made the mistakes and fought through them. LOL Good Luck.
To go a bit further on this, I'm not sure why they don't work the same. Perhaps the internal port routing are different. I mean all it does is open and close ?? I think some experimentation would benefit. :D I have 2 or 3 spare black ones but only one spare green one. I caution EVERYONE to remove the solenoid before pulling the engine as the connections break with the slightest bump. I installed the green one backwards on a RX DI. That's what I get for removing the whole thing and not checking going back in. That first ride was strange. :D Luckily I had another DI that I could look at and sure enough, I had the valve pointing the wrong way which made the lines connect incorrectly. When I give advice it isn't because I'm smarter but because I've made the mistakes and fought through them. LOL Good Luck.
Ahah well it is great advise and I appreciate all the help! But that’s exactly what happened to mine and I was completely ignorant to this fact and binned the green one after purchasing the black one … I’ve heard that I can bypass the solenoid as I believe I will struggle to get a spare… and use the counter balance shaft vent to open the raves by closing the screw at the top of the raves also.. but I’m not sure what to do with the electrical connector.. maybe just leave it off or jump the connectors to ensure I don’t get the fault code…