Need Help Posting VHS on Here

Matt Braley

Premium Member
Premium Member
I have dealership VHS videos for 95 and 96. The 95 one is both hilarious and informative and I just won the 96 version on Ebay so I hope its as cool. I have no tools or skills needed to share them with you guys.

I would like to send them to a member who can post them on here and then send them back. I can pay shipping. Let me know if anybody is interested.
Great idea.. looking forward to seeing them but I don't have the software or equipment to do this.
I have dealership VHS videos for 95 and 96. The 95 one is both hilarious and informative and I just won the 96 version on Ebay so I hope its as cool. I have no tools or skills needed to share them with you guys.

I would like to send them to a member who can post them on here and then send them back. I can pay shipping. Let me know if anybody is interested.

easiest way would be to use a video capture card to record them to a pc then covert it to a proper format, tho not everyone has one. the round about way would be to go from a vcr to a dvd recorder, then rip the dvd, convert and upload.
Hey Matt... Play it in VCR on your tv and record on phone. Then post. It might take a few tries to get angle and sound right. It should work though. Just a thought

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