96 xp vts electric issue

Hello everyone,

A little while ago I got a 96 xp with the 787 engine as a project. (It needed to be cleaned and some repairs). When I got it it did not have a front electrical box which I was able to get with a key. (The gauges work and I was able to get it run) Also my Speedo and vts position gauge the needles are broken.

My problem is when I tried the vts it didn’t work. First tested the motor to the battery and it didn’t work (the brush broke) so I replaced the motor and the replacement didn’t work so I looked in the rear electric box. I was also missing my 7.5 amp fuse. I replaced it and the fuse blows about 5 seconds after connecting the battery (not doing anything other then screw the lug to the battery) Additionally, when I tested my up/down switch they worked correctly.

Does anyone have any idea what it could be?

Thank you
Yes, 99% of the time it’s the VTS brain and not the motor. They go bad all the time and can’t be fixed and are well known to fry the MPEM. Your only options are to replace it with a good one, set it in the middle and disconnect all wires to it and run without variable trim or search “Seadoo Trim Fix” and run external relays.
Does VTS only move one way. You can test VTS motor with battery to see if it moves. I bought the trim fix and works good. Mine was relay that shut off motor that was not letting motor run one way.
My new motor spins both ways when I connect it to the battery.

I might have a similar thing to what you had because when connected to the battery I only get a relay click when I press the down button but not up (even with a blown fuse).
Mine would move but when I pushed the button but only one way. My one relay was stuck telling ecu it was at the end of travel when it wasn't.

I don’t know what I did but I was able to get it to move down when I push the down button but it didn’t stop itself once it was at the bottom. (I tested the resistances on the wires that go to the position gauge and they came out good according to the manual)

Because I didn’t want to damage the worm gear I took the motor off just so it can spin freely. I was just pressing the down button having it spin for a little then it stopped and when I released the button it spun the other way for about 10 seconds without me touching anything. I was able to get it to do it again a little bit later.

I am thinking I have an intermittent relay but does anyone know what it wouldn’t self stop if the resistances were good? Also why does the module even need to be connected to the mpem and why won’t it run without being connected? (I don’t want to kill the mpem from the vts like what Mikidymac and others say is possible)
Hello I just posted a long message about repairing the VTS unit. See it elsewhere. You can remove the VTS unit completely from your seadoo and test it on your bench. It does not have anything to do with the MPEM. Let me know if you need help doing that. Hook a battery to the power pair (black to negative and red to positive) and then use a clip lead to simulate the up/down switch. It should not draw any current when hooking to the power pair! If it does then you have an internal electronics issue. Probably a stuck relay. Look at the circuit diagram for your machine to see which leads in the 6 pin connector are up/down. Grounding the up or down wire should cause a corresponding relay to close and thus drive the motor. If the shaft is in the fully extended or fully retracted position then try removing the shaft and then see if the up-down circuits work.