787 Block-off kit for pressure testing

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Racerxxx, do you have any for the 951 di? I was thinking of making a set, but if the price is right... they don't have to be pretty at all. Function is what I am looking for
Racerxxx, do you have any for the 951 di? I was thinking of making a set, but if the price is right... they don't have to be pretty at all. Function is what I am looking for

pretty sure he has a template for the 951, he will have to confirm tho. Price is DEF right on these things for what you are getting.
I need a pressure test kit for 787 pm sent

I'd like a set as well.

Guys, do you want them water jet cut? If so I need to have more guys on board. I would need to get the stuff re-quoted by the water jet dude, he's right up the street from my work. If not, I can cut and shape them by hand and on my mill at home. I just need to get the material, I don't have enough to make a set. Material is only a few days for them to get it to me, it's right in my industrial park. I have made several sets by hand and can clean them up to look very nice, my original ones are hand made and that is what I use. I don't have a fancy water jet set. These will be for the 787 only. Just let me know via PM.
I'm not in a huge hurry. Waterjet would be preferred. Full set with mani and carb blockoffs is what I'd be after.
Both are going to be on the mill/by hand, trust me they look good. It won't look like a beaver chewed them into shape. To do the water jet I need at least 10 guys to go in on it, he won't set the job up for less. Even then he's doing me a favor. You're both getting 2 rave plates, 2 rv plates and 1 exhaust mani plate, everything required to pressure test a 787.
I'll sell you mine. I'll make another when I need it. With my father in law retiring and closing his shop, I lost all my extra material. I just couldn't keep everything, lol. My shop was already full, then I had to take what was left at his place.
I don't have the material to do the exhaust ports individually, I can get it. I do have the material to do the end of the manifold so you can pressure test the cooling system like the factory kit. I have the gaskets to engineer the parts from but I'll have to measure and draw the different plates up, no one ever asked for it that way. If you want the standard 951 kit (2 raves, 2 reed cage carb plates(you put the carb mounts on and block those off) and the standard exhaust manifold plate) that will be $125 shipped. If you want the individual exhaust plates instead of the standard exhaust mani plate that kit will be $150 shipped. Gonna be about a week to a week and a half until I can get it done. I'm backed up in the shop here with a GTX engine install and a few customers trucks for repair. Just trying to be upfront on the time line.
I need the individual plates or a single plate because I'm using them on boats that have a rossier pipe and factory twins. I had thought about buying an OEM mani and bolting it together to use as a dummy but was hoping for something easier to manage.
Hey Dan Id take another 2 sets of 787 carb plates and if you ever want to make one that covers the 787 ex ports so I dont have to put a ex mani on to test Id be down for that too.
I know it isn't "per the manual" but I have never blocked off the raves when I pressure test. I have only had 1 ever leak at the 10psi leak down pressure and after replacing the old orange diaphragm it held pressure fine.

I actually prefer to test with them on so I know it won't blow black spooge all over my fresh paint.
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