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  1. R

    loosing coolent

    thank you
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    loosing coolent

    thank you
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    ride plate repair

    Hi guys. I have a 2002 gtx that i believe is leaking at the fitting on the ride plate. How does everyone go about fixing the leaks at the plastic fittings? I watched the vids on removal and replacement of the plate but haven't seen the fix. Thanks in advance for any info you might have.
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    loosing coolent

    thank you
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    loosing coolent

    Thank you for the reply. Thats were IM going to start looking in the morning.
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    loosing coolent

    New to me GTX 4tec. Prior owner stated noticed it had lost a reservoir of coolant the last time he rode it 2 years ago (hasn't used it since) and IM wondering if they had issues other than a head gasket where they develop a leak. IM new to the 4 stoke machines so I thought I would reach out here...
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    Let’s see if any of you smart guys can get this one!

    sucked up something in the jet unit would be my guess. Pull the drive off and check
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    07 Challenger BBQ

    A blender and power inverter. you'll have so many guests visiting the boat you'll forget about eating.
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    1997 GSX turns over no start.

    Keep turning it over till you don't get brown mist without the plugs in. Brown mist would be water someplace still. Backfire out of the carb is either too much fuel or not enough. I know that isn't much help. Keep turning it over and over. spray it down with wd 40 to try to displace some of...
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    1997 GSX turns over no start.

    I would put it in the plug holes just to see if it fires
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    1997 951 gsx limited engine life

    Thank you. I will start fogging the motors
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    1997 951 gsx limited engine life

    thank you brother
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    Help I damaged my plastic hood

    Try cleaning it with bartenders friend cleaner
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    1997 GSX turns over no start.

    try just a touch of starting fluid to see what happens. Just a touch! My guess is there's water in the mag that's shorting it out when you have the plugs installed.
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    1997 951 gsx limited engine life

    Hi new to the world of skis. I recently got a 1997 gsx 951. After much reading on this site IM questioning how the best way to tell if I should rebuild the motor this winter. It has the grey tempo lines that IM going to replace this winter and I'll rebuild the carbs and filters also. Is there...