Search results

  1. Ronsse610

    The last post wins!

    No that would be crazy I'm only 24, working a new job as a helicopter pilot! And hopefully gonna be moving around a lot :)
  2. Ronsse610

    The last post wins!

    Yea it's been a while been real busy with work! Transitioning into a new domain and lifestyle!
  3. Ronsse610

    The last post wins!

    I'm back! Wooooooo
  4. Ronsse610

    Shh, Don't tell the Canadians!!!

    true story!
  5. Ronsse610

    Shh, Don't tell the Canadians!!!

    Yea Giver her! who cares about toronto! :P
  6. Ronsse610

    Shh, Don't tell the Canadians!!!

    Im her Lou! :P
  7. Ronsse610

    The last post wins!

    whats up yall!? i am back in action on the forum after like 4 months absence! will try to get on as most as i can! :)
  8. Ronsse610

    Installed New LED Tail Lights

    those look a lot like mine! very nice!!!:thumbsup:
  9. Ronsse610

    Seat Recovering - Vinyl

    i re did my RX seat with a carbon fiber look vinyl... il post pics on how i did it and how it turned out after! at its very easy to do!
  10. Ronsse610

    Hi from Montreal

    Hey! Hit me up lets go ride!!!!! I been looking for a few members on here to ride with
  11. Ronsse610

    organizing a ride from montreal to ottawa or kingston

    Hey so I never got any feedback from anymore who still wants this to happen but if your up for it, I can come down sometime in August for some riding in your area! I would def enjoy doing that! And I'd pay for food and such! Let me know
  12. Ronsse610

    organizing a ride from montreal to ottawa or kingston

    sorry for late response, as for the past weekend, no one ever replied so i figured no one was interested! as for re organizing and making this happen! i suppose most people would be available in july or august, and if not im willing to come up myself with you bmann and we can ride for the...
  13. Ronsse610

    1996 787 GSX cooked one cylinder.

    post in the 2-Stroke section, you will definetly get all the attention and help you need, you will get the exact answer your looking for!
  14. Ronsse610

    NBA Finals

    do it now with finals!! :)
  15. Ronsse610

    NBA Finals

    do it now, finals!!!!!
  16. Ronsse610

    organizing a ride from montreal to ottawa or kingston

    getting to that now! writing up a list and itinerary! will submit a draft on here later tonight or 2morow! so we can all agree on something!
  17. Ronsse610

    organizing a ride from montreal to ottawa or kingston

    well im still around on here! havnt heard much from you guys except BMANN otherwise i been still trying to find a RXP but no luck, il use my RX or otherwise bmann will hook me up! but its the wekeend of 14-15-16
  18. Ronsse610

    organizing a ride from montreal to ottawa or kingston

    just a quick heads up, as the date is getting closer! are people still interested in this?! and are the dates still fine!? let me know ASAP!?!
  19. Ronsse610

    Ownership/Transfer Form

    agreed! 100%