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  1. Werkswell

    Red light & 12v low warning: 2004 GTS 4tec and it's my fault!

    Who knew? NEVER jump a weak Sea DOO battery with anything other than another PWC battery and absolutely NEVER use a Lithium Battery powered "jump box"! I loved the convenience, light weight and "glove box" sized jump boxes that are all the rage. The $100 was steep but it even started my diesel...
  2. Werkswell

    Ghost? My '02 4-tec turned itself on, beeped for 24 hours until it killed the battery

    Thank you everyone! Yes, it was the lanyard post/switch. While probing the the wire ends (ohms test) the problem disappeared momentarily; then I realized that by squeezing the back of the post around the wires' epoxy seal I could get the problem to come to come and go: bingo! I soldered in a new...
  3. Werkswell

    Ghost? My '02 4-tec turned itself on, beeped for 24 hours until it killed the battery

    Yes, as soon as I reconnect the newly recharged battery it acts like the "kill" plug is installed. It must be a problem inside the post. They list it as a separate part/cable but I think I'll cut it open first and look for corrosion or shorted wires. First problem I have ever had with this '03...
  4. Werkswell

    Ghost? My '02 4-tec turned itself on, beeped for 24 hours until it killed the battery

    It does, I wonder if the post is sold separately from the harness ($508 !)...or shall I carve it apart and take a look?
  5. Werkswell

    Ghost? My '02 4-tec turned itself on, beeped for 24 hours until it killed the battery

    I was away, my neighbor is pissed, luckily the starter did not engage, but what caused it? I traced the kill switch harness to its connector and as soon as I unplugged the cable the symptom went away so I ask: is there a module that could be defective or is it simply that my cable is shorted? Bob
  6. Werkswell

    Ignition and beeper turned itself on while parked on trailer!

    My neighbor just informed me that while I was away my '02 4-tec "beeped" for 12 hours till the battery died. I located the junction at the end of the wiring harness for the start switch, kill switch, beeper, etc. and once I unplugged it and recharged the battery the symptom disappeared. Simply...