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  1. Ifonecapa

    That's it! I'm gone!

    This pandemic is getting worse with all the recent reports talking about the vaccine and new variants. I'm really losing it and I'm thinking of isolating myself, living on an island, and forget the world! I may not have the virus but I will die of a mental breakdown if it goes on! Am I crazy or...
  2. Ifonecapa

    Boating Apps 2021

    Hi. I was wondering which apps are essential right now or if you are using one. I am thinking of an app that does most if not all, from navigation to weather, etc. Any recommendations are highly appreciated.
  3. Ifonecapa

    Most Difficult Thing You've Experienced This Year

    Hi there. I was just thinking about the changes we had to deal with ever since the pandemic happened. What was the most challenging part of it and how did it change your life? Were you able to cope? How?
  4. Ifonecapa

    Springtime and water sports

    I love this time of the year! This is usually the start when we anticipate fun. Where do you go to to do or watch some watersports during this time of the year?
  5. Ifonecapa

    Struggle Purchasing Due to the Virus

    It's kind of harder to purchase parts and all at this time. Maybe it's due to the pandemic or the holidays. Come to think of it, this year had been full of struggles. I know several people who dealt with mental health issues due to lockdowns. Such a stressful year this is. How did you guys cope...
  6. Ifonecapa

    So Long Coronavirus

    Or maybe not! We're just saying goodbye to this very stressful year. How are you guys holding up? Have you discovered a new interest or whatnot?
  7. Ifonecapa

    Where's the first place you'll go to when COVID-19 is over?

    Most activities have been restricted due to COVID-19. We can still go out and all, but it wasn't like before. Do have a particular place in mind to go to after this is all over?
  8. Ifonecapa

    Why is there a sign usually on hills that says cars need to turn off AC?

    Sorry. Might sound silly but what is this for?